UART setting:9600bps, 8bit, no parity, 1stop bit 0. initialize(buffer clear) command ... 1. Firmware version check .hello reply :TerraBerryDAC II V01L00(20170516) 2. Sound mode .sound=[1|2|3] 1=Sound Setting 1 2=Sound Setting 2 2=Sound Setting 3 *See Table 27. SC1-0 bits Control of AK4490 data sheet 3. Filter mode .filter=[0|1|2|3] 0=Sharp Roll-off Filter 1=Slow Roll-off Filter 2=Short delay Sharp Roll-off Filter 3=Short delay Slow Roll-off Filter *See Table 14. Digital Filter Setting of AK4490 data sheet 4. Attenuator Increment ATT .att+ Decrement ATT .att- ATT set 0xFF .attf ATT set 0 .att0 5. DoP setting DoP decode off .dopoff DoP decode on .dopon DoP decode auto .dopauto 6. DSD gain setting .igainon .igainoff .ogainon .ogainoff 7. mute control .mon .moff 8. Echo control .echo .noecho 9. DAC message contol .msgon .msgoff